September 14th, 2023

When you’re getting ready to sell your home, it’s important to make a list of things that need to be fixed and things that can wait.

Not everything needs to be fixed before you sell, and in some cases, it’s not worth the money or hassle. Here are a few tips on how to decide what not to fix!

🛠️ Make a list of priorities. Fix the things that are most important to buyers, like broken windows or a roof that’s in need of repair.

🛠️ Consider the cost. If the repairs are going to cost more than 10 percent of the home’s value, it might not be worth it.

🛠️ Think about the time and effort it will take. If the repairs are going to take a lot of time or money, it might not be worth it.

🛠️ Weigh the benefits. If the repairs are going to make your home more appealing to buyers, it might be worth it.

🛠️ Decide if you have time. If you’re selling your home in a hurry, you may not have time for big repairs. In this case, it might be better to do some smaller repairs and call it good.

Making a decision about what not to fix when selling your home can be difficult, but following these tips should help make it a little easier.
